Monday, February 7, 2011

Just another manic Monday...

Cloudy today, makes me feel like napping, despite the "5-hour energy" I chugged in the car on the way here. Oh well, plenty of time for that after I get home tonight.

Over the weekend, I thought of another thing to do on the GPS app / server... Have the app generate a message "$NODE_TYPE,CTU_GPSAPP" or some such on startup, to tell the server what kind of node it is (in case we revert back to having the sensor nodes go through the EZURiO board / Python server interface at a later time).

Gordon says he's coming in later to re-run his data reformatter on the latest (post the recent serial comm tweaks) data file. That will tell us if I managed to cut down on the glitch frequency yet. Hoping to now get well under 1 glitch per MB.

Oh, at some point I wanted to try again to burn my design into Flash/EEPROM on the DE3 board, so that it will load automatically on board power-up. There are instructions for this in the manual but I didn't quite get it working before.

A thought for the future: Extend our comm protocol so that the server requests re-send of any messages that get garbled. Lotsa work though and maybe not worth it for occasional short glitches. & it's like reinventing TCP...

OK, here's what I actually did today, so far:
  • Added $NODE_TYPE message output at startup.
  • Added MUTE/UNMUTE commands to GPS app (& Wi-Fi pass-thru script) to allow remote control of GPS data stream.
  • Ground wire came off the hand-wired serial port on the Wi-Fi board - had to manually reconnect it.
  • Added INIT_GPS command to GPS app (& autorun script) to allow remote reinitialization of GPS in case it needed to be reset.
  • Having weird problems with Wi-Fi boards...
  • Had some problems with EZUriO module I was using - repeatedly unable to load latest autorun.uwc. Trying another module.

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