We finally have the authorization codes from Mentor. Late this afternoon, at lab, I will start downloading & installing the software, so we can begin designing new boards and/or making changes to Sachin's board.
We have the workshop scheduled from 2:00-4:00 pm today. Need to find out from Aarmondas if a room was reserved, if so where. I've loaded the presentation onto my iPad. During my lunch hour I'm planning to go to Best Buy and buy the little VGA converter dongle, so I can hopefully give the presentation directly from the iPad.
Once I'm back at the lab, I also need to install and test the Quartus compile I started last night before I left.
Aarmondas and I reserved B202B, the small conference room next to the Dean's conference room, for the workshop. I asked Aarmondas to call & email everyone to let them know the location.
Gave the workshop. The ECE senior design students, as well as Brian Kirkland and Michael Sprouse were in attendance. Going to post the slides on the group blog.
Burned the latest gelware (expecting a negated timing sync input which is compared with the first threshold) onto the FEDM board. Now need to test with the scope.
No data yet from stream_pulse_out_test. Let's examine the comparator output pf3[0]. Hooked it up to J76 pin 1. Now doing a Quartus compile.
OK, pf3[0] is going to 0 shortly after PMT_3 (TimingSig) pulse crosses below the VTH1 threshold, as expected. I measured the period of pf3[0], and it is 409.6 us, as expected, so any noise on the input node is not enough to cause glitching of the comparator output. So why am I getting no data from stream_pulse_out_test? Need to test some more signals tomorrow.
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