I am getting ready to test the wireless communication through my Verizon hotspot, which is presently configured with WPA2 Personal security. My laptop is successfully able to connect to the Internet through it.
The script seems to be hanging. Turning on debug output to UART and trying again... Went through a few rounds of turning on more and more options to display more output, finally narrowed things down to the attachment failing after the new security steps... Reordered the steps (the main change being to set the key before turning on security), it works now. Turned debugging modes back off. OK, all the server connections open again, now over my access point & with WPA2-Personal security.
After I finished that test, the ME guys (George and Brian) showed up with the main board for the electronics box and tested the mount points for the spacers to make sure the two major PCBs (DE3 and FEDM) would fit on them. With some fiddling, that worked. They also identified where to mount Samad's board and the clamp that will hold the OCXO board. They brought their hand-made SMA cables; I can rig up a test to look for signal reflections where I connect the DE3 to the scope through those cables and look at the waveform quality. Still to do on the ME side: Assemble bracket to hold the cooling system (I told them, make height adjustable!), drill mounting holes in Samad's power board (1/8" hole diameter, 1/8" from edge to hole center), drill holes in main board to hold Samad's board and the OCXO board clamp. They also wanted to do another coat of paint & clear-coat, so took the board with them to do that. Also, we still need a permanent solution for the various signal & power wires between boards (to get adequate lengths), but we can perhaps rig up something temporary for that. Maybe I'll stop by Fouraker's and/or Radio Shack on my way home this evening and look for a solution.
Also, Samad stopped by earlier and we discussed the need to solder through-hole pins to both sides of his board since the holes are not plated. I gave him a pack of breakaway headers with longer pins to make that easier. He will see if he can get the mounting holes drilled at ECE.
After the kids left, I spent some time rebuilding the serial "cables" (really jumper wire bundles) to both Wi-Fi boards to standardize the wire color-codes and go through a double-sided M-M header for easier connect/disconnect and longer length. This is still just a temporary solution, however, and something that makes a more solid/reliable connection is still needed for later. I hooked node 0 back to the CTU (whose serial port on GPIO 0 I also re-wired) and verified that that connection still works.
Powering the Wi-Fi board through the DE3 still doesn't work reliably, so we still need Samad's new power board to supply +5V to the Wi-Fi board (or else just power it through USB in the meantime).
Next up (tomorrow): Do the same thing (extend the cables) with the serial connection to the GPS and the other miscellaneous connections to the GPS, and the connections to the OCXO board; get whole current demo working with new longer cables.
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