Inspecting the serial output in UwTerminal, I found that the GPS had lost all its configuration settings and was back at factory defaults. Re-configured it. That fixed that problem. Power distribution board is currently successfully powering the following components together (all that I've verified so far):
- DE3 board
- CTU Wi-Fi board ("node #0").
- GPS kit.
Over coming days I will continue to work on tests verifying that it's successfully powering more and more of the components...
Meanwhile, Michael Dean is here getting the newly refactored code to compile. He did that. However the speed for the high-speed stuff is back below 300 MHz. Perhaps because the pipeline stages for the high-speed counter value were removed? He put them back in and is recompiling.
Meanwhile, Michael Dean is here getting the newly refactored code to compile. He did that. However the speed for the high-speed stuff is back below 300 MHz. Perhaps because the pipeline stages for the high-speed counter value were removed? He put them back in and is recompiling.
David & Darryl were here working on the journal paper today; I helped them grab a new scope picture of the test pulse. They are about to post a draft of the paper on the arXiv.
I spent some time making a new longer power cable for the CTU's Wi-Fi board. Also soldered a new ground pin onto it. Started fastening cables down to the backplane (currently using electrical tape).
I spent some time trying to figure out why the $PDME,9 command always seems to set the GPS module's time about 15 seconds behind the time actually specified. No luck figuring that out. Perhaps I should just compensate by setting it 15 seconds or so ahead of the actual time. Doing that now.
The SMA connector for the OCXO broke off again. We really need to design the new OCXO board soon. Since we have a full PADS license now, this should be pretty easy. I'm going to see if David and Samad can get together and start working on this before they go. Emailed them.
I need to go by Staples or Wal-Mart and find replacement cartridges for the label-maker so I can finish labeling the components mounted on the backplane.
I also need to go back to Radio Shack and pick up some proper screw terminal flange thingies for the FEDM power connection. Some more electrical tape might also be useful.
Don't forget: Solder SMA connectors to FEDM board at some point soon.
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