Sunday, August 14, 2011

Look Ma, no wires!

Just taking some brief notes on Sunday to prepare for the week.  On Friday I got buffered pulse data transmitting successfully over the wireless network to the server.  Some things to do this week:
  1. Make the data format a little more concise, so we can handle faster pulse rates - just send the starting time and the deltas between steps.  Maybe do some more error checking - e.g. make sure all deltas are positive and not overly large.  
  2. Add reporting levels to firmware diagnostics, to suppress debug output when not needed.  Consider adding a network logging capability for remote diagnostic purposes.
  3. Write a little visualization widget on the server, so we can actually see the pulse shapes.
  4. Ray is getting the physical scintillator/PMT apparatus ready, and then we can connect it to the front-end board, and send real data to the server.
  5. We can actually go ahead & start logging pulse data on the server, although not yet with the accurate time values.
  6. We can start work on integrating the GPS app into the system.  However, the new datapath for time sync pulses still needs to be written (although in the meantime, we could maybe just use another copy of the existing datapath temporarily).
  7. We can replicate the datapath 4 times for the 4 different PMT inputs, & dremel down the other 4 SMA connectors and solder them all to the board.

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