Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thu., Feb. 2nd

No lecture today, so I had time to come into the lab briefly before the EEP seminar.

Let's see, at home last night I was working towards enabling the server to remotely control the GPS module, so that we can try to intelligently massage the GPS into a state where it is (hopefully) acquiring time lock from the satellites.  (This is difficult to set up manually, b/c it is cumbersome to type a command saying something like, "At this moment, the time is so-and-so," which is a helpful thing to be able do quickly during initialization.  Also, we need the startup sequence to be more automatic anyway, so that everyone who turns on the system doesn't have to be an expert at GPS configuration, and so we don't have to keep plugging in and unplugging different serial cables.)

BTW, I brought my MicroC/OS-II book over from my office, in case I ever again want to try using it on the DE3.  The other day when I tried it, it didn't work so well (something wrong with the dev setup; the "hello world" app didn't compile), but it might be worth tackling again sometime.

Aha, today I was going to try setting up the license server for the Mentor Graphics PAD software.

The PADS 9.3.1 Release README pointed me at the Acresso license administration guide, which said to install lmadmin.  Downloading lmadmin installer from link at  Installed it, but can't seem to import the license file, or connect to the license server from PADS.  May need support from Mentor.

Time to go to EEP class.

I broke something in the COSMICi server last night, apparently.  Need to debug.

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